Edge Eyewear Dawson Z87+ Rated Safety Glasses


SKU: XD416

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When it comes to Z87+ safety glasses, comfort is king. After all, what good are safety glasses that aren't comfortable enough to wear when you need them most? The Dawson is our answer to the age-old problem of uncomfortable and featureless safety glasses.

  • The Dawson's wraparound design, wide temples and flexible, yet durable, nylon construction mean ample peripheral protection and big comfort. 
  • With lenses that block 99.9% of UVA, UVB and UVC rays, you’ll never be left without protection from the sun, no matter which lenses you choose. 
Impact Rated


All of our lenses are made of shatter-resistant polycarbonate. This material is lightweight, blocks 99.9% of UV radiation and defends against projectiles or blunt forces with its natural strength. Our lenses are always designed with the strict safety standards of ANSI, or the stringent MCEPS military requirements, in mind to bring you total peace of mind.

Vapor Shield Anti-Fog


We developed a permanent anti-fog technology in 1993 and named it Vapor Shield. Unlike other temporary fog proof coatings on the market, it’s infused into the lenses during the manufacturing process. The result is a permanent solution for stopping the buildup of fog-causing water vapor on the surface of the lenses.

Frames Technology
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MEGOL Details


Thermoplastic rubber (TPR), or MEGOL, is a composite that becomes tacky when exposed to moisture. We strategically place MEGOL details in our frames so they don’t slip around when you’re hard at work. You’ll find these details on the nose pieces or temple tips of our frames.

MEGOL Details


Thermoplastic rubber (TPR), or MEGOL, is a composite that becomes tacky when exposed to moisture. We strategically place MEGOL details in our frames so they don’t slip around when you’re hard at work. You’ll find these details on the nose pieces or temple tips of our frames.